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Graduate Students
Pharmacy Reference Library “Prachote Plengwitthaya”
การจัดการข้อร้องเรียน ความไม่พึงพอใจและข้อสงสัยการจัดการศึกษา
คำร้องขอตรวจสอบคะแนน หรือผลการศึกษา
Academic services
Continuing Pharmaceutical Education
Thai Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical analysis service
Research and product development
Research Ethics
ศูนย์วิจัยคณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร
Using Turnitin
Department of Biomedicine and Health Informatics
Department of Industrial Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical Care
Department of Health Consumer Protection and Pharmacy Administration
Professional Center
Health Service Center
Pharmaceutical Intellectual Center “Prachote Plengwittaya”
Pharmacy Information Network Center “Prachanart”
Office of the Dean
General management
Academic administration and development section
Experts / Teacher Practitioners / Foreign Professors
Contact us
Contact us
การให้ข้อเสนอแนะ/ร้องเรียน/การให้บริการ/คำชมเชย คณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร
Undergraduate Students
Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University
For undergraduate students
Learning and Teaching
Rule and Regulations
Contract(First year) and Reimbursement(Sixth year)
Student Activities
Committee and Student Affairs Personnel
Pharmacy Student Council
Welfare and Scholarships
Bachelor of Pharmacy Program (6 years), Revised 2012 (for students id start with 55xxx-58xxx)
Bachelor of Pharmacy Program (6 years), Revised 2016 (for students id start with 59xxx-65xxx)
Bachelor of Pharmacy Program (6 years), Revised 2023 (for students id start with 66xxx)
Teaching schedule(use @silpakorn email to login)
ตารางสอน ปีการศึกษา 2567
Schedule for Academic Year 2023
Schedule for Academic Year 2022
Exam schedule
ตารางสอบกลางภาคการศึกษาปลาย ปีการศึกษา 2567 (ครั้งที่ 2) (1-2 มี.ค. 68) และตารางสอบปลายภาคการศึกษาปลาย ปีการศึกษา 2567 (รายวิชาปี 5) (24 ก.พ. - 1 มี.ค. 68)
ปฏิทินการศึกษา ปี 2567
กำหนดการยื่นคำร้องขอสอบซ้ำ (Re-exam) ประจำภาคต้น 2567
Selecting a professional pharmacy subgroup (Login using : @silpakorn.edu)
Selection guide
Preparing senior project (Login using : @silpakorn.edu)
Guide for senior project (revised 2022) and course syllabus (Academic year 2022)
Lab safety documents
Professional Practice Unit
Professional Practice Unit
English criteria
English test scores comparison criteria
Participating in activities related to graduation
Announcement of mandatory and selected activity details
University Regulations on Graduate Studies 2017
Announcement of activity participation criteria 2009
Announcement of activity participation criteria 2017
ประกาศเกณฑ์การเข้าร่วมกิจกรรม 2567
Announcement of criteria for comparing experience fees for participation in activities 2013
Announcement of criteria for comparing experience fees for participation in activities 2017
ประกาศเกณฑ์การเทียบค่าประสบการณ์ 2567
Desirable graduate characteristics 2013
Desirable graduate characteristics 2017
Freshy reception and cheer meeting
Announcement of Silpakorn University Arranging activities to welcome new students and cheer meetings 2560
Announcement of Silpakorn University Arranging activities to welcome new students and cheer meetings 2561
The dress
Silpakorn University's Regulations on Student Dressing 1997
ระเบียบการแต่งกายนักศึกษา 2567
Student dress regulations 2014
Student activities regulations
Student club regulations, 2006 edition
Project procedure regulations
Announcement of Silpakorn University Subject: Guidelines for the consideration of student certificate for activities 2014
Student Examination Paper-based Guideline
Student Web base Examination Practice Guideline
Student Online Examination Practice Guideline
Faculty request form
PST1 - General request form
PST2 - Request to open courses (For courses with F grade)
PST3 - Sick leave / business leave request form
PST4 - Sick leave request form (At the time of the exam)
PST5 - Request to change teaching schedule
PST6 - Request to add courses for registration
PST7 - Request to change exam schedule
PST8 - Request to score check or study results
PST9 - Request to re-exam
Request form for waiver of tuition fee payment
Scholarship request, Faculty of Pharmacy
Request for certificate of student status
Request to use the locker key
Request to borrow items
Request for official documents
Project approval request form (Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University)
Request to inform found items
Request form for activity consideration
Project approval form (KS.002.1)
Project approval form
Project summary report
Request form to compare the experience for participation in activities
Request form for official documents
Request form for borrowing items
Student status certificate
Request for Exam
University request form
MSK1 - General request form
MSK2 - Request for important documents
MSK3 - Proxy Form (In case of receiving documents instead of someone)
MSK4 - Late registration request form (Special case)
MSK5 - Registration request form for less or more units registration than criteria
MSK6 - withdrawal W card
MSK7 - Study leave request
MSK8 - Return to study request
MSK9 - Graduation request
MSK10 - Requests for participation in graduation ceremony that do not correspond to the academic year that was completed.
MSK11 - Resignation request
MSK12 - Refund request (Tha Phra campus)
MSK13 - Refund request (Sanamchandra campus)
MSK14 - Refund request (Phetchaburi campus)
MSK15 - Financial proxies (In case of receiving money instead of someone)
MSK16 - Request form for transfering to other faculty
MSK17 - Waiver request form
MSK18 - Special student application form
MSK18 - Special student application form (English)
Health Check Form
Scholarship request form
Scholarship application form for the academic year 2016 (MSK.2016)
Scholarship interview form
Student loan request form
KYS.101-1 Loan request form
KYS.102 income certificate of the borrower family - KYS.
KYS.103 advisor's letter of recommendation
KRO.Income certificate of the borrower family - KRO.
Example recording of participation in volunteer activities
Example of loan agreement KYS.
Activity form category
Project writing form, report - project summary
Project or activity writing form (Adjusted from plan department)
Service Project Details Form (g.109) from the state budget
PS.KJ.007 Project result report form
PS.KJ.008 Project or activity summary form
Project writing form, report - project summary
PS.KJ.001 Project approval request (Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University)
PS.KJ.002 Operation Summary Report
PS.KJ.003 Request form to compare the experience for participation in activities
PS.KJ.004 Request for official documents
PS.KJ.005 Request to borrow items
Project writing form, report - project summary
KS.001.1 Project approval form - student club & activity group
KS.001.2 Project approval form - student club together with student committee
KS.002 Project approval form - School
KS.003 Project approval form - Quality assurance
KS.004 Advance payment request form
KS.005 Advance payment deduction form (Budget)
KS.006 Request to change item (Budget)
KS.007 Money receipt
KS.008 Request form for borrowing items
KS.009 Request form for using places
KS.010 Request to enter the dormitory after the specified time
KS.011 Project summary report form
KS.012 Request form for recording activity hours (Project participants)
KS.013 Request form for recording activity hours (Project responsible person)
KS.014 Request form for student potential development activity certificate
KS.015 Penalty activity record form
Documents for contacting other departments within the Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University
Request form for having access card, Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University
Vehicle request form, Silpakorn University, Sanamchandra campus
Borrow-return form for audio-visual aids equipment, computer and other equipments
Request form for computer and audio-visual aids services
Vehicle request form, Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University
Room request form, Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University
Form for allowing entry and exit of the Faculty of Pharmacy
Student complains, dissatisfaction and enquiries related to educational management.
Procedure for submitting requests form
Procedure for submitting a request for sick leave / personal leave
Student contract to study Pharmacy(For Year 1 students)
Student contract to study Pharmacy
Allocation of contract pharmacy students (For Year 6 students)
Information on allocation of contract pharmacy students
Speexx Program News
English language test scores submission calendar from a language testing institute that has a CEFR equivalent standard for the graduation of undergraduate students academic year 2020
Request to change the conditions of participation in the Win Speexx Travel Awards 2018.
Speexx Program Manual
Access and exercise (for students enrolled in the years 2013-2017)
Introduction to practice procedures (pdf)
Suggestions video for steps to do the exercise
Infographic, step-by-step instructions for taking exercises
The level of English language proficiency skills according to the standard framework CEFR
Committee and Student Affairs Personnel
Asst. Prof. Dr. Panoopat Poompruek
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prasert Akkaramongkolporn
Asst. Prof. Dr. Nattawat Natpoolwat
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tosak Intaraphairot
Asst. Prof. Dr. Worrakanya Narakornwit
Dr. Panjapol Laopoonphat
Dr. Piyanut Ueapanjasin
Student Club President
Ms. Warunee Dok-mai-ngam
Ms. Nuch Kaewchakan
Ms. Chanchira Boonma
Pharmacy Student Council
Scholarship details
Scholarship explanation
Faculty of Pharmacy Announcements, the allocation of scholarships from the income budget for the year 2014
Student loan fund
Description of student loan funds
Loan schedule announcement KYS. new academic year 2017
schedule announcement KRO. new academic year 2017
Announcement list of students receiving loans in 2017
Nursing and accident insurance
Accident insurance
Student residence
Student dormitory, Silpakorn University Sanam Chan Palace
Private dormitory
Tuition fee withdrawal
University regulations on the bachelor's degree year 2017
Announcement of student registration fees regular semester (Revised version year 2016)
Announcement of the regulations regarding fees in 2015
Silpakorn University's regulations on enrollment fees and special fees for special program students in 2003
Silpakorn University's regulations regarding on enrollment fees and special fees for international students
The Ministry of Finance's letter approves the use of an education fee payment statement. In which the bank officer signs the receipt as a receipt
Student Activities
ตารางกิจกรรม ภาคการศึกษาต้น 2564
ตารางกิจกรรม ภาคการศึกษาปลาย 2564