ภาคเภสัชเวท คณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร

ผลงานวิจัย (Research Publication)

  • ขนิษฐา มีประดิษฐ์ สินธพ โฉมยา ศตวรรษ สินประสิทธิ์กุล เพียงฤทัย ริรัตนพงษ์ ธนินทร อุดมสินานนท์ มยุรี เรืองเพ็ญ ไพวัลย์ โคศรีสุทธิ์ และวรวีย์ ดาวนพเก้าอนันต์ ผลของตำรับยาสมุนไพรหลังคลอดของโรงพยาบาลกาบเชิง จังหวัดสุรินทร์ วารสารสาธารณสุขมหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา 2554; 6(1): 63-69
  • Jabeen I, Wetwitayaklung P, Klepsch F, Parveen Z, Chiba P, Ecker GF. Probing the stereoselectivity of P-glycoprotein-synthesis, biological activity and ligand docking studies of a set of enantipure benzopyrano[3,4-b][1,4]oxazines. Chemical Communications 2011; 47(9): 2586-2588.
  • Thavanapong N, Wetwitayaklung P, Charoenteeraboon J. Comparison of essential oils compositions of Citrus maxima Merr. peel obtained by cold press and vacuum stream distillation methods and of its peel and flower extract obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction method and their antimicrobial activity. Journal of Essential Oil Research 2010; 22: 71-77.
  • Ngawhirunpat T, Opanasopit P, Sukma M, Sittisombut C, Kat A, Adachi I. Antioxidant, free radical-scavenging activity and cytotoxicity of different solvent extracts and their phenolic constituents from the fruit hull of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana). Pharmaceutical Biology 2010; 48(1): 55-62.
  • Piyapolrungroj N, Sotanaphun U, Phattanawasin P. Effect of leech lime juice on cytochrome P450 and P-glycoprotein activities. Drug Metabolism Reviews 2009; 41(suppl. 2): 101. [Abstract]
  • Sarunyakasitharin K, Wetwitayaklung P, Phaechamud T. Amount of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of fresh and preserved Ellaeocarpus hygrophilus Kurz fruits. Annals of Nutrition&Metabolism 2009; 55(suppl 1): 439. [Abstract]
  • Wetwitayaklung P, Limmatvapirat C, Charoenteeraboon J, Phaechamud T. Antioxidant activity of various part of Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) determining by TEAC assay. Annals of Nutrition&Metabolism 2009; 55(suppl 1): 454. [Abstract]
  • Phattanawasin P, Sotanaphun U, Sriphong L. Validated TLC-image analysis method simultaneous quantification of curcuminoids in Curcuma longa. Chromatographia 2009; 69: 397-400.
  • Chantong B, Wongtongtair S, Nusuetrong P, Sotanaphun U, Chaichantipyuth C, Meksuriyen D. Stability of barakol under hydrolytic stress condition and its major degradation product. Planta Medica 2009; 75(4): 346-350.
  • Opanasopit P, Ruktanonchai U, Suwantong O, Panomsuk S, Ngawhirunpat T, Sittisombut C, Suksamran T, Supaphol P.  Electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol) fiber mats as carriers for extracts from the fruit hull of mangosteen. Journal of Cosmetic Science 2008; 59(3): 233-242.
  • Wangwattana B, Koyama Y, Nishiyama Y, Kitayama M, Yamazaki M, Saito K . Characterization of PAP1-upregulated Glutathione S-transferase genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biotechnology 2008; 25(2): 191-196.
  • Wetwitayaklung P, Phaechamud T, Limmatvapirat C, Keokitichai S. The study of antioxidant activities of edible flower extracts. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Acta Horticulturae 2008; 786: 185-191.
  • Sukwattanasinit T, Burana-Osot J, Sotanaphun U. Spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of total anthocyanins and quality characteristics of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa). Planta Medica 2007; 73(14): 1517-1522.
  • Wessapan C, Charoenteeraboon J, Wetwitayaklung P, Limmatvapirat C, Phaechomud T. Antimicrobial activity of some edible flowers in Thailand. Planta Medica 2007; 73(9): 886-887. [Abstract]
  • Charoenteeraboon J, Wetwitayaklung P, Limmatvapirat C, Phaechamud T. Hepatoprotective activity from various parts of Sonneratia caseolaris. Planta Medica 2007; 73(9): 997. [Abstract]
  • Sittisombut C, Boutefnouchet S, Trinh Van-Dufat H, Tian W, Michel S, Koch M, Tillequin F, Pfeiffer B, Pierre A. Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of benzo[a]pyrano[3,2-h] and [2,3-i] xanthone analogues of psorospermine, acronycine, and benzo[a]acronycine. Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2006; 54 (8): 1113-1118.
  • Nguyen TM, Sittisombut C, Boutefnouchet S, Lallemand MC, Michel S, Koch M, Tillequin F, Mazinghien R, Lansiaux A, David-Cordonnier MH, Pfeiffer B, Kraus-Berthier L, Leonce S, Pierre A. Synthesis, antitumor activity, and mechanism of action of benzo[a]pyrano[3,2-h]acridin-7-one, analogues of acronycine. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2006; 49 (11): 3383-3394.
  • Sriphong L, Phattanawasin P, Sotanaphun U. A convenient TLC method for the quality control of turmeric. Planta Medica 2006; 72(11): 1056. [Abstract]
  • Sriphong L, Sotanaphun U, Limsirichaikul S, Wetwitayaklung P, Chaichantipyuth C, Pummangura S. Cytotoxic alkaloids from the flowers of Senna spectabilisPlanta Medica 2003; 69: 1054-1056.

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